March 8, 2025
ssc exam
ssc exam

SSC 20 to 25 thousand vacancies

New Year is coming with new hope for the youth. Graduates will have the job. Staff Selection Commission has prepared plans for the new year.

Notifications will be released on January 16. Declare 20 to 25 thousand vacancies. The Commission’s goal is to fill them within a year. Students and

Coaching Institute has started its preparation. In addition to general Graduate BBA, BCA and Engineering students are preparing for the exam.

SSC every year hires on the basis of written test and interview. SSC Combined Graduate Examination of the Plan will be released in 2014

Is given. The written test will be in two phases. Pre Exam (Tier One) April 27 & Main Tier II exam will be on August 30. 2013 closer than five

Appointment thousand more will be removed. Coaching Institute has been preparing students. Graduate qualifications for filling the form. Final year student can take the exam.

This paper will
Tier One paper will be of 200 marks. The question to be solved in 120 minutes. Ability quantative 50 questions, 50 questions General Awareness, 50 questions General

Intelligence and Reasoning and 50 questions are asked in English Kanpreehensiv. All questions will be objective. Tier II will be the first paper quantative ability.

100 questions will be of 200 marks. The second paper will Kanpreehensiv English. 200 200 Number of questions asked. Interviews and selection will be on merit basis of written test.

These will be profiles
After being selected in SSC are two types of jobs. Field desk jobs and jobs. Desk jobs auditors, accountants, clerks, Central Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Intelligence Bureau and railway etc. deployment environment.

Aio in field job, Income Tax Officer, Agjamnr, Preeventiv Officer, Inspector exercise, Postal Inspector and Inspector including narcotics.

Government jobs for women, will enroll over 1 million posts

Starting been coaching
SSC has begun preparations to cache. The students have started coaching. Given the importance of SSC 150 cities with a career launcher

The SSC is introduced in class. Meerut Branch Head Vikrant says Javla than graduate BBA, BCA and B.Tech Pasaut are coaching.

SSC application
Year ……………… Application
2012 …………… 9.7 million
2013 …………… 12 million
Estimated 1.5 million in 2014 ……………

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