October 15, 2024

Tag Archives: Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made mistakes in Bhutan Parliament

There were lots of discussions on the mistakes made by Narendra Modi. Modi had integrated the historical facts in this way that the opposition leaders as well as the media scoffed him. The jokes also made on the mistakes of Modi. And after becoming the Prime Minister, Modi is making these types of mistakes again and again. He addressed the joint session of the Parliament of Bhutan on Monday and again made the mistakes. And the result was that the social media again made the joke and this is spread at the sites like twitter and Facebook. Modi said ‘Nepal’ …

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9 Students Arrested for Anti Modi Remarks in Kerala

9 students are arrested for making offensive comments against the prime Minister Narendra Modi in Campus Magazine of Sri Krishna College. Although all of them were left out on the bail soon. There are students involved in this who are the editor of this magazine, sub editors and the members of the Advisory Committee. The case was filed them against all of them under the IPC section 153. There is the charge on these students to use the abusive language in the form of the puzzle against Modi. The Management Committee of the college, The Guruvayur Sri Krishna Mandir College …

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Now PNG Pipeline in Varanasi

PM Narendra Modi wants to implement the development plans in Varanasi without wasting any time. He has made plans for the growth of Varanasi city. His main emphasis is to deliver the PNG gas to the houses through the pipeline. There is also the panning for making the roads more broad, flyovers in the city along with the cleaning of the Ghats and holy river Ganga. The PNG will also be supplied to Allahabad, Gorakhpur, Jamsedpur, Bokaro, Howrah and Durgapur. According to the ministry of Petroleum and Natural gas, Modi has instructed the top management of Gail to prepare the …

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The Parliament will be free from the Criminals till 2015

Narendra Modi in his speech once again raised the case of tainted politicians. He said that the Parliament cannot win the trust of the people until itself get guilt free. He said, “We all will request the Supreme Court to solve all the cases of the MPs within a year who have the FIR or named in some case.  All things will get clear because of this and the minister who are innocent will remain in the Parliament, whereas those who will found guilt, reach to the jail. “ Modi said that he is sure that every MP will try …

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Modi’s Parliament Speech Analysis


Lok Sabha elections only just finished and the Government has begun to work. So you can say this period ‘overlapping period’. You can see this in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech. President’s address to the two houses, in a way reflects the intentions of the new Government. What the government wants to do and in which direction want to go. The address of the President and the speech that the Prime Minister has given on Thursday, one thing is underlying in this that he wants to take the states together. Narendra Modi was also the chief minister of a state …

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Modi gave order to the ministers to submit the income tax report

Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is engaged in making the government machines fit and fine has now said the ministers to give their property details. All the Union ministers have to submit the details of their property and liability within two months. They also give information that they should have no commercial interest with the ministries. The ministers are instructed to finish all the relations with the business management or operational activity, if they have before taking their position or work. The Union Ministry has released the code of ethics again that was decided. In this, there is instruction to the …

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Modi’s Pix in negative faces list, case file

A controversy arises because of printing Prime Minister Modi’s picture with the negative people like Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden in a magazine of Polytechnic college of Kerala. The police file the case against the principal of Government Polytechnic, M.N.Krishnan Kutty of Kujhoor, the four students, staff editor Gopi and the owner of the printing press. Year 2013-14 campus magazine was released on June 4. It’s a page titled ‘ negative faces ‘, in which there is a MODI’s picture. There are the pictures of Sandalwood Smuggler Veerappan, LTTE chief V. Prabhakaran, Adolf Hitler, Bin Laden and George Bush. …

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And then Modi shakes hand with Rahul Gandhi

There are many unique views seen in the central hall of Parliament during the  President’s address on Monday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi came forward and shakes hand with Rahul Gandhi and the Vice President of Congress, Rahul Gandhi has faced a problem in finding his seat before the address of the President. During this, more than 4 dozen MP is left standing due to the lack of the seats to hear the President. Some MPs go back in mid of the President’s address, whereas some attended this till the end. Sushma Swarak sat unknowingly at the place of the prime …

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Zero tolerance Law for Crime against women

India's President Pranab Mukherjee (l) greets the new prime minister, Narendra Modi

The promise to empower half the population is the pledge of Modi Government and the President gave the sign of completing this promise in the next five years. President, Pranab Mukherjee said that the government is committed to provide the 33 percent reservation to women in Parliament and State Assemblies. At the same time, there is also the planning to save the girls and to start the education campaign. The President said that if anyone do violence against the women, it is not tolerable. There is the adoption of zero tolerance policy for this. He also said to strengthen the …

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Know, What is Modi’s revolutionary Agenda

Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed the experts to provide feedback on the development and better policies to make the country growth better. The lokarpan of a book ‘Getting India Back on Track: An action agenda for reforms’ by the Prime Minister at his official residence 7 RCR that is edited by Vivek Oberoi and few other experts. In the meantime, he said to give speed to the growth of the country and to make better policy. He said that a good policy is created only with the help of experts and intellectual people. He also said to fulfill the need …

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