October 15, 2024
upcoming events
upcoming events

Upcoming events in 2023

G20 Culmination: The G20 Highest point is a yearly gathering of the heads of state and legislature of the world’s 20 biggest economies. The 2023 G20 Culmination will be held in Indonesia on November 15-16, 2023.
G20 Highest point 2023

G20 Culmination 2023

COP27: COP27 is the 27th Meeting of the Gatherings to the Assembled Countries Structure Show on Environmental Change. It will be held in Egypt in November 2023.

WSIS Gathering: The World Culmination on the Data Society Gathering is a worldwide discussion that unites partners from government, business, common society, and the specialized local area to examine the fate of the data society. The 2023 WSIS Gathering will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, in May 2023.

ICANN78: ICANN78 is the 78th gathering of the Web Partnership for Appointed Names and Numbers. It will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, in October 2023.

ITU World Media transmission Normalization Get together: The ITU World Telecom Normalization Gathering is a gathering of the Global Telecom Association’s (ITU) normalization bodies. It will be held in Bucharest, Romania, in November 2023.

ITU World Media transmission Normalization Gathering

ITU World Media transmission Normalization Get together logo
These are only a couple of the significant gatherings occurring in 2023. There are numerous different gatherings occurring consistently, so make certain to look at the most recent news and declarations.

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