March 14, 2025
Pin codes in India
Pin codes in India

Pin codes in India

Pin codes in India are six-digit numbers that are used to identify and sort postal districts. Pin codes were introduced in India on August 15, 1972. The first two digits of a pin code indicate the postal circle, the third digit indicates the sorting district, and the last three digits indicate the delivery post office.

Here is a table of the pin code regions in India:

RegionPin code range
North India110001 to 169999
West India302001 to 499999
South India500001 to 699999
East India700001 to 899999
Northeast India781001 to 999999
Army Postal Service900001 to 919999

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To find the pin code for a particular location, you can use the India Post website or search online for “pin code for [location name]”.

Pin codes are important because they help to ensure that mail is delivered to the correct destination. They are also used by businesses and government agencies to identify and track locations.

Here are some examples of pin codes in India:

  • Delhi: 110001
  • Mumbai: 400001
  • Chennai: 600001
  • Kolkata: 700001
  • Bangalore: 560001
  • Hyderabad: 500001
  • Pune: 411001
  • Ahmedabad: 380001
  • Surat: 395001
  • Jaipur: 302001
  • Lucknow: 226001

Pin codes are an essential part of the Indian postal system and play an important role in ensuring that mail is delivered to the correct destination.

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