March 7, 2025

Shimla Film festival will start from 26th June

Shimla festival that is celebrated every year in Shimla is being held from 26th June. Food supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Director. Priyatu Mandal said the Shimla festival will be held from 26th-29th June.

He said that the festival will be organized with the help of the Ministry of information and broadcasting of Indian Government. Movies and documentaries will be displayed during this festival.

During this, the exhibition related to the film will also be shown at the completion of 100 years of Indian Cinema. During the film festival, the workshop will also be held on the film performance review.

It will be organized with the help of Film Institute, Pune and Satyajit Ray Film Institute Kolkatta. The director of the department of language and culture, Arun Sharma told that various events are being held in Shimla throughout this year under the program Shimla Celebrates

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