Kejriwal and Vajpayye talking slowly after some interview is over. Context of conversation is not clear to me but may be it is based on some Q&A between them.
Kejri says all of the following –
I was not going to all that Corporate related things, it will be make middle class anti to us. We can not say that any govt which comes to power takes commission from private players. by this, we will discard all the private sector alienating middle claas.Rest you ask anything..
Vajpayee agrees and suggests something about – “80% of society marginalised. That was good. That only is the vote bank in the country”
Kejriwal – Ohh, yes that was good point, I forgot to talk about it
In the next scene, Kejri asks – “how was it”
Vajpayee – “Revolutionary, extremely revolutionary”, that BHagat Singh related statement was mind blasting.
Kejriwal – “PLease run that part prominently”
Vajpayee – “Yes, yes, there will be great reaction to bhagat singh statement”