March 10, 2025

Life & Style

A lifestyle brief refers to a concise summary or description of a person’s or a group’s way of living and the choices they make in various aspects of life. It encompasses various elements that make up one’s daily routine, values, preferences, and habits.

What is clinical trial, how long it takes?

clinical trial

Clinical trials are the trials of medicines in proper medical supervision. When there is a need for new medicines or improvement in existing Medicine is required, clinical trials are conducted. Clinical or human trials are conducted in four phases. Following are the specifications of all phases in clinical trials. • Phase one is about the first time trial on human beings.• Phase two is about to find the quantity of dose for effective treatment. It also emphasizes minimization of side effects of new drugs.• Phase three is conducted to confirm the results received from phase one and two. It includes …

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No Weight loss ,are you still struggling?

No Weight loss ,are you still struggling?

Our body is our biggest asset in this world. No matter how rich or poor you are. If we don’t care about it then even lots of money can’t save us.Many of us face weight imbalance problems. It can be overweight or underweight. India is on fifth position with 9.8 million obese men and on third position with 20 million obese women’s. In America over 70 million of adults are overweight. Whereas in the world almost 30% of the world population is overweight. Almost 2.8 million people died due to obesity.Obesity is a complex disease which can lead to many …

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Smartest uses of Lemon

Smartest uses of Lemon

When life gives you lemon, make a lemonade of it. Actually It’s not so true about lemon. Infact lemon is far more useful than that.Let’s count the ways in which lemon can do a miracle.Hair care• Lemon can wash away your hair fall’s biggest reason which is dandruff.• Mix lemon with egg or curd and apply to see the magic of it.• Lemon helps in declogging which is responsible for hair fall.• Lemon helps to improve keratin production . Which is very essential for hair growth.• Lemon is very useful in controlling oily scalp.Skin care• Lemon can be used for …

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Benefits of Neem tree

Benefits of Neem tree

Neem rich in antibiotics is known as the supreme medicine. It may be bitter in taste, but its benefits are similar to nectar. Well, neem has a cure for all your problems, but let us know some of the properties of neem – Heal wounds Neem leaves heal the wound very quickly. Simply make a paste of its leaves and apply it to the affected area on wounds or insect bites. For Dandruff treatment If you have a problem with dandruff, then take a few leaves of neem and boil it in water. Now let this water cool down. Clean …

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Sleep -you never get enough of it.

good sleeping

Sleeping is the best medicine. We recharge our body , mind, and energy level through sleep.It is considered the best recurring medication that comes naturally to our body.There are two types of sleep first sleep is with rapid eye movement and second is without rapid eye movement.• We have four levels in the process of sleeping. First one is awake second is light sleep third is deep sleep and fourth and last is sleep with rapid eye movement. We see dreams in sleep with rapid eye movement. Rapid eye movement sleep is also called Paradoxical sleep.During sleep a hormone named …

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Mental Health

Mental Health

Our awarenessMental health is often neglected in our society. Some of us know about it , some of us have misconceptions and some of us are not aware . The mental trauma is like that nobody even wants to talk about it. We are afraid of society. What will they say , how will they react. There is one word we use for all kinds of problems: MAD. But it’s not true every mental disorder is not mad.The position of India in happiness index is 144th in total of 156 countries. We can easily assume the tension level of people …

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Beat the heat this summer with these simple steps

beat the heat this summer

Heat is on its high , don’t let it down you.It’s a cycle of weather: hot hot summer, wet rain, and cold winter. But as the human interference is increasing, summer is becoming longer and more difficult to survive. Temperature goes in many areas up to 51 degree centigrade. The average temperature of our earth is increasing.Prevent the dehydrationPrevention is better than cure. We all know it. So we have to prevent the dehydration by taking an adequate amount of liquids. These liquids can be vegetable juice, lemonade, fruit juice and water. It will be better to eat such fruits …

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Eat to live or Live to eat

Eat to live or Live to eat

Do we eat to live or we live to eat. The answer can make you sad. As every thing has its own pros and cons. Covid-19 also makes many people quarantine chefs. Those who have never tried cooking before become culinary experts. The mega store shelves become empty. Maida ,semolina become extinct. In India we made cake , cookies ,ice cream , Jalebi , samosa and many more countless dishes. Many of us gain weight.An average human being on an average should consume 2000 calorie to 3000 calorie. Fruits , fibrous food, milk, egg, green vegetables should be a part …

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IS MY CHILD A PSYCHOLOGIST? We often consider our child a very innocent one.We always guide him to do thing.But when they grow only a bit they start refusing .For eating food ,having milk,taking care of toys ,doing homework and lots more.we become tensed but all in vain.They start shouting on us even thought we are much older than them. Child knows our what ,when and how we will react to their actions.They already knows it. They know when to do buttering ,when to yell ,when to speak nothing.When we think we are controlling ,they were controlling us.They are far …

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Increased helplessness of Corona patients in India


In the midst of the growing havoc of the epidemic, the claims of good preparedness and government claims of a chalk-proof system are being exposed. But only the grief of those sick can be estimated, who are not getting treatment even after all the efforts. Affection and status are also becoming meaningless in the face of this terrible disease, the helplessness of common people can only be imagined.

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