March 2, 2025


24 B-Tech Students Drown in Beas River in Mandi

Nearly 24 students drown in the river after a sudden release of the water from the dam of Larji Hydro electrical power project on Sunday. The students were going to Manali. They all are the students of the VNR Science Jyoti engineering Institute and going to Manali. The whole area is stirred by this incident. The people are very angry from leaving the water without any siren. The relief work was not started till late night. According to information received late evening, there are the students of the VNR Science Jyoti Institute of Engineering and Technology of Hyderabad. There are …

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The production of Ambassador Cars, stops in Kolkatta

The production stopped for the uncertain time The construction work of the India’s oldest car Ambassador has stopped. This car is the symbol of power and administration from the decades. Hindustan motors said that the car manufacturing plant near Kolkatta has been locked for the uncertain time because of the low production, mounting debt and lack of demand And because of this 2500 people are in trouble. Now they have almost lost their job and don’t know hen the plant will get started again. The company sent all the workers on a long leave without paying any amount.   The …

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SC to hear the nursery admission case on 28 April

In the case of nursery admission Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case on April 28.Chief Justice P Satshivm accepted the request to put the case for hearing on April 28. Nursery admissions process is currently being stopped because of the apex court order procedure. On account of the parents awating for the nursery admission of their children, the lawyer requested for the expedited hearing to the Chief Justice on Monday.The parent says that the name of their children has come in the draw but the admission process remained stalled due to court orders. Even the High Court is …

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Top Ten Institute Of Software

Who seek a career in BCA computers, BCA is a preferred option for the youth. In Computer Application sector,BCA is a new program in this sector. Management, Financial Accounting, Production and Operations Management courses are also offered to the students of BCA Computer in addition. TOP TEN COLLEGES OF INDIA FOR BCA : 1. Christ University , Bangalore . 2. Madras Christian College , Chennai . 3. University College , Kurukshetra University , Kurukshetra . 4. Stella Maris College, Chennai . 5. Department of Computer Applications , SRM University, Chennai . 6. MLA College for Women , Bangalore . 7. …

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How to crack NET?

UGC Student

What is the NET? ,  NET mean  National Eligibility Tests a  minimum qualification to teach in Higher Education colleges , but is an essential requirement. UGC conducts all India level exam. Exam conducted twice a year, in June and December. The exam consists of three papers exam pattern . Main in General Paper,  Paper is the first student to be chosen for any discipline but would like first paper of all the candidates . The second and third paper will be the subject of which candidate is the main subject in the subject which you have MA . In the paper Teaching and …

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Become a doctor ‘NEET’ off, ‘AIPMT’ Start Application

Central medical institutions and medical colleges of the country’s 15 per cent of the seats in the states for the CBSE All India PMT (AIPMT) has released the 2014 application. The application has been ported to the final date of December 31. CBSE online application process from the beginning of December. Earlier CBSE medical entrance exam in 2012 for the first time in the country combined ‘neat’ was organized. States and large central medical institutions from the ‘neat’ to the brim once again ‘AIPMT’ has been cleared. CBSE from the ‘AIPMT’ continued application of the test pattern Knit released in …

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UGC plan to stop BA, BSc studies, Introducing new courses Bachelor of Vocational Education (BVE)

The University Grants Commission (UGC)  stating the proposed closure of BA and BSc studies out of the course. Instead, it is preparing to launch a new course. Its Bachelor of Vocational Education (B.V.E.) which will be completely labor intensive. Curriculum courses will be designed according to industry demand. BVE will be implementing Next year UGC have drafted to replace BA, BSc studies . The Circular of the State Universities and Colleges affiliated website, available at login. November 27 Vice Chairman of UGC  S Devraj has been issued order  to use BVE in  the 2015-16 season with the launch of the new course . During the first …

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Panjab university beats iits in global rankings

Punjab University for the first time the Times Higher Education ( Tiaci ) has been involved in World University Rankings . Punjab University Institute in 2013-14 Times ranking has surpassed the 4 institutions . Institute of last year, only two were able to make their way into the Times top 400 institutions . Punjab University rankings is between 226 to 250 . IIT Delhi is ahead of its nearest competitor . 351-400 are in the group of IIT Delhi . The entries in the list of institutions including IIT Kharagpur , which is in the 351-400 band . IIT Roorkee …

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Studying in Australia is more expensive than US

Richa Srivastava in Gurgaon with her ​​husband Sandeep Healthcare Solutions Venture runs . He Karthik son recently returned from the U.S. are getting admission to the University of Indiana . Pre- Law graduate school , he enrolled his son Karthik is orchestrated . Richa says , ” We were cautious about the cost of college , so we had to apply for many scholarships . Karthik four individually received scholarships from American colleges , but we chose to Purdue University . ” Richa says that if it was good reputation and was even lower fees than many other private universities …

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Indian Student will get relaxation UK Immigration norms,

The British had tightened the immigration norms . Students who wish to read the plight of the Indians were gone . However , last week, the British government has given some of them . Indian students for higher education among the UK’s image might be good . Now , after graduating corporate internship , students will be permitted . They will also have the skilled jobs . Graduate students who are on Antrpranr Visa , Skilled Worker visa now even easier to find them . Cambridge University Vice – Chancellor said that the new declaration L Borisivij Talented Education students …

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